About Us:

Award winning wine cellar designer Lisa Weiss will design and build the custom wine cellar of your dreams. Specializing in wine cellars, tasting rooms and custom bars, Lisa works with you every step of the way to create the perfect space. As a contractor in Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC….she will execute your project from A to Z and turn your vision into reality.


About Wine Cellars by Lisa:

Award winning wine cellar designer Lisa Weiss will design and build the custom wine cellar of your dreams. Specializing in wine cellars, tasting rooms and custom bars, Lisa works with you every step of the way to create the perfect space. As a contractor in Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC….she will execute your project from A to Z and turn your vision into reality.

Categories: Wine Cellars Construction Contractors and Industry & Manufacturing

Services: Wine, Wine Cellar, Drinks

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  • Commercial Roofing
  • Residential Roofing

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